Section A - Statutes
These Statutes embody the main principles on which the Society shall operate. The management of the affairs of the Society in matters of detail other than those governed by these Statutes shall be regulated by the Regulations enacted in conformity with Article 7 of these Statutes.
ARTICLE- 1 : General
1.1. The Society shall be called the INDIAN METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY.
1.2. The registered office of the Society shall be at New Delhi.
1.3. The functional year of the Society shall be the official financial year beginning with 1st April.
1.4. The Society shall be a non-profit organization and none of its income or assets shall accrue to the benefit of its members.
ARTICLE - 2 : Objects
2.1 The objects of the Society shall be :
- advancement of meteorological and allied sciences in all their aspects.
- the dissemination of the knowledge of such sciences both among the scientific workers and among the public, and
- application of meteorology and allied sciences to various constructive human activities such as agriculture and land uses. irrigation and power development, navigation of sea and air, engineering and technology, medicine and public health etc.
2.2. To achieve the above mentioned objects the Society may take from time to time, any of the following concrete steps, among others-
- encourage and expand research activity on the subjects mentioned in 2.1 above.
- organize lectures, meetings, symposia, discussions etc. for reading of papers and discussing problems.
- arrange to publish suitable pamphlets, books, periodicals, brochures etc., and
- promote co-operation in scientific work as far as it may be practicable between Government departments, academic and other research institutions, scientific societies and industries.
- The Members of the Society shall endeavor to foster common interests of the Meteorological profession
ARTICLE - 3 : Members
3.1. Members of the Society shall be of the following categories.
- Honorary Fellow
- Fellow
- Member
- Associate Member
- Patron
- Institutional Member
A Member who pays all his dues in a lump sum as prescribed by the General Body shall be called a Life Member.
3.2. Fellow, Member and Institutional Member shall have, voting rights, while fellow and Member only can hold office. Category (a) will be exempted from all dues Cateory (e) will make one time donation to the Society.
3.3. Persons of acknowledged eminence in Meteorology and allied fields of Science and Technology or in their furtherence, may be elected as Honorary Fellows by the General Body on proposal from the Council. No. of Honorary Fellows thus elected shall not exceed 2% of the number of Life Members. In one year not more than 2 Honorary Fellows can be elected.
3.4. Life Members who have made outstanding contribution to Meteorology and allied fields of Science and Technology, may be Elected as Fellows by the General Body on proposal from the Council.
No. of Fellows elected shall not exceed 10% of the number of Life Members. In one year not more than 10 Fellows can be elected.
3.5. Any person who is interested in the aims and objects of the Society is eligible to become a Member on payment of an entrance fee and an annual subscription. He shall apply for Membership in the prescribed form and shall be notified on acceptance by the Council.
3.6. A student, research scholar or any person interested in the aims and objects of the Society is eligible to become an Associate Member on payment of an entrance fee and an annual subscription. He shall apply for Membership in the prescribed from and shall be notified on acceptance by the Council.
ARTICLE - 4 : General Body
4.1. All members who have voting fight shall constitute the General Body of the Society.
4.2. The General Body will lay down the principles for the working of the Society from time to time by compartment of Regulations under the Statutes.
4.3. Decisions of the General Body in all matters, except amendments to Statutes, will be by a simple majority among the votes received in respect of the question.
4.4. The General Body can amend any Statute of this constitution provided not less than three fifths of the General Body it. The voting shall be by postal ballot.
ARTICLE - 5 : Council
5.1. The Society will have an Executive Council at the national level at Delhi an is known as National Council. The Council to be formed as stated hereafter in this article will function and arrange for the conduct of the business of the Society according to the Statutes and regulations in force.
5.2. The National Council shall constitute of the following elected Members.
5.2. The elected Council may decide to co-opt maximum of two additional members on the Council from non-represented major groups of the Society.
5.3 The Council shall hold office for two years, or until such time as a new Council is elected. The retiring members of the Council except the President shall be eligible for re-election subject to the condition that no office shall be held by the same individual for more than two successive terms.
5.4 The retiring President shall not be eligible for reelection but will become Immediate Past President for the next term in accordance with the provision of Statute 5.2.
5.5. The Council shall transact business by correspondence or by meetings held from time to time. The decision f the Council will be by a majority vote, the President having a casting vote.
5.6 Vacancies in the Council shall be filled up by co-option until the next election.
5.7. The Council may set up permanent or ad hoc committees with such terms of reference and such powers as the Council may prescribe to attend to specific matters in furtherance of the object of the Society.
5.8. The Council shall keep proper and sufficient accounts of the capital, funds, receipts and the expenditure of the Society may at all times by exhibited by such accounts.
5.9. The financial year of the Society shall end on the 31st day of March in each year and the accounts of the Society shall be made up each year to the date and, after having been examined and found correct by an auditor or auditors to be appointed by the Council, shall be circulated to the General Body and also laid before the net Annual General meeting.
5.10. The Council shall arrange for the Annual General Meeting of the General Body to receive the annual reports and accounts of the Society.
5.11. Since the registered office of the Society is in Delhi the Secretary. Joint Secretary and Treasurer shall be elected out of the members of Delhi only.
ARTICLE - 6 : Local Branches
6.1. The Council may at their discretion or on receipt of a request in writing to that effect from a sufficient number of member create a branch of the Society for holding regular meetings and for the reading and discussion of papers. Such a branch shall be called a local Chapter of the Society.
6.2. The Council shall have the power to dissolve such local chapters at any time and it is to be ratified by the General Body.
6.3. Each Chapter shall be constituted and its affairs carried on in accordance with rules and regulations to be laid down from time to time by the council.
6.4 (a) Each Local Chapter shall have a Chairman, Secretary, Joint Secretary and Treasurer and other Members not exceeding 8 in number as office bearers for a term of two years. This will constitute the Local Council for the Chapter.
6.5. (b) Two years term of Local Council should be concurrent to that of National Council.
(c) A member of National Council from any Chapter shall automatically be a member of the Executive (ex-officio) of that Local Council.
(d) The elected Chairman of the Local Council of any Chapter having more than 100 members shall automatically be a member of the National Council (ex-officio).
6.5. Each Local Chapter shall follow the procedures laid down below for the management and transfer of funds.
6.5.1 All Chapters should transfer 50% of the subscription collected from Associate members and Members to the Headquarters fund.
6.5.2 Life Member subscriptions should be transferred to HQ’s with the condition that HQ will send 50% of the interest accrued on this amount to the Chapter every year.
6.5.3. 10% of the Institutional membership from the Chapter shall remain with the Chapter.
6.5.4. Donations/Grants from Govt. Institutions or other interested parties accepted by the Local Chapter may be retained for use by them.
6.5.5. 10% of Savings from any Chapter through Special activities will be transferred to HQ’s fund.
6.5.6. For major activities the Local Chapter may approach HQ for financial assistance which shall be considered on a Case by Case basis.
6.5.7. All Chapters should submit their accounts to the Secretary of National Council by 31st May after getting it approved by the Local Council. Wherever the receipts for the year exceed Rs. 10,000/- the account should be audited by the auditors, decided by the Local General Body. In such a case the audited statement should be sent to the Secretary of National Council by the above date.
6.5.8. The procedure of convening the General Body meeting of the Chapters should be the same as that of HQ’s.
ARTICLE - 7 : Regulations
Provision for the regulation of the affairs of the Society shall be made, as necessary, by means of Regulations attached to the Statutes. These Regulations will be valid if agreed to by a majority vote of the General Body.
ARTICLE - 8 : Dissolution
In the event of dissolution of the Society any assets or properties belonging to the Society shall be donated to some organization or orgnaizations with similar objects and character and in no event shall such properties be distributed to members of the Society.
Section-B: Regulations
1.1 Membership shall cease : (a) On resignation from membership of the Society. (b) On default of payment of the annual subscription for two consecutive years. (c) On any other breach of the rules of the Society.
1.2 Persons whose membership has lapsed under (a), (b) and (c ) of 1.1 above may be re-admitted as a new member at the discretion of the Council.
(a) On an application for membership
(b) On payment of entrance fee,
(c) On making satisfactory amends as regards the infringement of rules.
2.1 Election
2.1.1 Following schedule is suggested for Elections to the National Council through Secret Ballot.
(a) Returning Officer is to be appointed by the President before 15th Oct. of the year preceding to the Election year from amongst the current members of the Society.
(b) The Returning Officer shall send a circular Inviting nominations for the vacancies in the Council to all the members by 1st November giving a list of members of the society.
(c) The last date for the receipt of nominations by the Returning Officer shall be 30th November.
(d) Returning Officer will issue the circular for withdrawals giving full list of the contestants for the Post by 15th December.
(e) The last date for the withdrawals will be 31st December.
(f) The Returning Officer should dispatch the ballots by 1st February.
(g) The last date for the receipt of ballots will be 28th February.
(h) The Returning Officer should announce the results by 20th March.
2.1.2. All Local Secretaries of the Chapters should update the Electoral rolls as on 1st September of the year preceding the Election year and the updated list of the members should be sent to the Secretary of the National Council by 25th September.
All members who have not cleared their dues by 1st September and who are enrolled after 1st September of the year preceding the Election year will not be eligible to vote.
2.1.3. A member shall be eligible to contest for one post only.
2.1.4. Minimum two members should nominate a person.
2.1.5. Returning officer is not eligible to contest the lection.
2.1.6. Candidates contesting for President, Vice-President, Secretary & Treasurer should submit Bio-data not exceeding200 words at the time of their nomination or circulating along with the ballot papers.
2.1.7. Ballot papers are to be numbered and signed by the Returning Officer and should be mailed individually to all the members enclosing a self address stamped envelope for returning the vote.
2.1.8. local Chapters also should follow similar procedure but by calling a General Body meeting where voting is in person.
8.1 Duties and Powers of National Council.
2.2.1 The Council shall be responsible for managing the funds and for fulfillment of the objects of the Society.
2.2.2 The Council shall prepare each year a report on the activities of the Society and circulate it to all members of the Society together with an audited statement of accounts for the year.
2.2.3 A first draft of the report and audited statement of account for the year ending 31st March shall be prepared by the Secretary and, after approval by the Council, circulated to the members of the Society before the Annual General Meeting of the Society.
2.2.4 If any Chapter falls to submit information regarding accounts in time or otherwise acts in a manner prejudicial to the aims of the Society a show cause notice will be issued to the Chapter. Further action in this regard as deemed fit will be decided by the National Council.
3.1 General meetings of the Society shall be of two kinds : a. Ordinary, b. Annual
3.2 Ordinary General Meeting
3.2.1 Ten members shall constitute a quorum.
3.2.2. before transacting the business announced for the meeting, the Chairman will announce the names of new members enrolled, if any, since the previous meeting.
3.2.3. The Chairman shall have the power, when he considers that the meeting has been unduly prolonged, to defer any uncompleted business to stand over to the next meeting.
3.2.4 Ordinary General meetings will be held as often as the Council may consider it necessary.
3.2.5 If 25% of the members of the Society sign a requisition that a meeting of the General Body be held, the President or the Secretary shall convene such meeting within 30 days of such request. If the President or the Secretary fails to convene such meeting, those who have signed the request shall be entitled to convene such meeting by giving 15 days’ clear notice to all members of the Society. No other business than that included in the notice shall be transacted at such a meeting.
3.3 Annual General Meeting
3.3.1 The annual meeting of the General Body shall ordinarily be held in April (and not later than 31st May) for which 15 days’ notice shall be given along with the agenda of the meeting.
3.3.2 The quorum for the Annual General Meeting shall be 10-% of the total membership entitled to vote at meetings of the General BODY EXCEPT FOR MEETINGS ADJOURNED FOR WANT OF QUORUM, FOR WHICH NO QUORUM IS NECESSARY
3.3.3 If a quorum be not present the meeting shall stand adjourned until a data to be decided by the Chairman.
3.3.4 The business transacted at the Annual General Meeting will be :
(a) To receive the annual report prepared by the Council.
(b) ear the presidential remarks reviewing the work of the Society
(c) To hear the presidential address
(d) To elect the members of the Council for the ensuing term as may be necessary
(e) To transact other business of which notice has been given or as may be permitted by the Chairman.
4.1. The Council will meet once in 3 months, or earlier if requisitioned by more than 5 members of the Council.
4.2 Seven days’ notice shall be given for ordinary meetings of the Council except in the case of requisitioned meetings in which case the period of notice may be reduced at the discretion of the President.
4.3 A meeting of the Council adjourned because of non-completion of agenda will be held on such day as the majority of the members present on the day decide.
4.4 At meetings of the Council 5 members will from a quorum, except that for a meeting adjourned for want of a quorum no quorum shall be necessary.
4.5 The minutes of all meetings of the Council shall be circulated to all members of the Council.
5.1 The duties and powers of the President shall be as follows :-
(a) To preside at all meetings of the Society and of the Council and to regulate the proceedings at such meetings.
(b) To ensure due effect being given to the Regulations made by the Council under Article 5.1.
(c) In the case of doubt as to interpretation of any of the Rules, to decide on the interpretation. In such case the President’s interpretation shall hold until the next meeting of the Council, when the interpretation of the Rule should be discussed and finally determined.
5.2. In matters calling for urgent action, the President may adopt such measure as in his discretion the circumstances demand and report his action subsequently to the Council.
5.3 In the absence of the president, meetings of the Society may be presided over by a Vice-President.
5.4 In the absence of the President the National Council may designate one of the Vice-Presidents to perform the functions of the President.
6.1 The duties and powers of the Secretary shall be as follows :-
(a) To conduct the correspondence of the Society and of the Council, and to sign all letters and papers emanating from the Society.
(b) To attend the meetings of Society and of the Council. To take minutes of the proceedings of such meetings during their progress; and, at the commencement of every such meeting, to read aloud the minutes of the previous meeting.
(c ) At the general meetings, to announce the presents made to the Society since their last meeting; to read the names of members, the original papers communicated, and the letters addressed to the Society required to be so read out.
(d) To prepare for submission to the Annual general meeting a list of members corrected to the close of the previous year.
(e) To enter or cause to be entered, in the Minute books, all the proceedings of the society and of the Council before the following meetings, and to see that all letters and papers and documents of every kind connected with the business of the Society are properly filed and preserved.
(f) To exercise general supervision over the servants and affairs of the Society, and to assist in carrying out the Regulations and Orders made by the Council.
(g) To incur contingent expenditure as may be necessary for carrying out the functions of the Society
6.2 Duties & Powers of the Joint Secretary :
(a) In the absence of the Secretary, the Joint Secretary will perform the duties of the Secretary with prior authorization from the Secretary.
(b) He would assist the Secretary in discharging his duties and such other duties as assigned by the Secretary from time to time.
7.1 The Treasurer shall be responsible for handling the funds of the Society and also the property vested in the name of the Society. He shall be responsible for the maintenance of accounts of the Society and shall present the statement of accounts for the year at the Annual General meeting. He shall also furnish the Council information regarding the financial position of the Society when called upon to do so by the Council.
8.1 The funds of the society shall consist of :
(a) Subscriptions
(b) Donations
(c) Grants from Government or other interested parties
(d) Sale of journal and other literature published by the Society.
8.2 Such funds of the Society as are not invested in any manner in accordance with the decisions of the Council shall be deposited in a bank approved by Council provided that the Council may authorize the Secretary or Treasurer or any other member of the Council to keep in hand such amount in cash, not exceeding Rs. 500 at a time, as may be considered necessary for day to day expenses.
8.3 The local Chapter also should deposit the funds in a bank and the Local Treasurer should keep an amount in cash not exceeding Rs. 300/- at a time as may be considered necessary for day to day expenses.
9.1 The accounts of the Society shall be audited at the end of each year by auditor or auditors appointed at the previous annual general meeting for which purpose the financial year of the Society shall be 1st April to 31st March.
10.1 At all general meetings of the Society the President, a Vice-President or a Member of the Council in that order, shall preside. In the absence of any of the above, the members present will proceed to elect a Chairman on the expiration of fifteen minutes after the hour fixed for the meeting.
10.2 All decisions taken at a general meeting shall be by a simple majority by a show of hand, except in cases for which voting by other means may be prescribed.